Ford Muscle Car Club – Who Are We…
About the Ford Muscle Car Club
We are a club based in Tauranga New Zealand, with a passion for Ford and anything to do with the big blue oval.
We hold a number of events throughout the year, including the All Ford Day, track Days, car shows, family outings and just getting together to socialise.
Our club welcomes anyone that has a passion for Ford just like the rest of us, whether you own a Ford muscle car or just aspire to.
Join our club here
Brief History of the Ford Muscle Car Club History
The first club meeting was held on the 17th of February 1993. There were 14 members present 1 absent.
This meeting was held at Barry Gordon’s home with Barry and Ross Mischewski, contacting fellow Ford Muscle Car enthusiasts and getting together to form the Ford Muscle Car Club.
Within the first year of the club being formed the club grew to 47 members, 22 falcon owners and 23 mustang owners 2 members did not own a muscle car at the time but were ford enthusiasts.
he club grew from this to become well respected in the local area and then country wide with members turning up to a host of activities put on by other clubs i.e. all ford days, drag racing, events at Taupo race track, the Ford Muscle Car Club even had a club day at Baypark motor race circuit (thanks to Peter Hanna) before it closed.
The Ford Muscle Car Club took over the running of the All Ford Day held in Putururu in March each year and brought it to Mt Maunganui. The first all
ford day hosted by the club was in March 2000.
Once a year we have had a track day mostly held in Taupo, these track days have been a great day out for club members getting some track experience in handling of their cars and getting to drive them the way they were meant to be driven. Our Taupo day is now getting bigger and better than ever
Always getting together to watch Bathurst, we hire a big screen projector and put up a small grandstand and seating in one of our club members sheds and have a BBQ and sweepstakes and spot prizes throughout the day.
In 2004 the club changed its name to include FPV owners which opened up to not only late model falcons but to anyone who owned a ford performance vehicle, escorts, sierra cosworths, in fact nearly anything with that prized blue oval on it, along with our already large number of falcons, mustangs and ac cobras the club is growing again. We then dropped the FPV part in our name again a few years later back to the original name of The Ford Muscle Car Club.
The club holds a meeting on the first Wednesday night of each month at the Oceanside Street Rodders clubrooms (Cherokee Place Mt Maunganui) starting at 7.30pm.
We generally have an event or gathering once a month, with the All Ford Day (Blake Park Mt Maunganui) on the first Sunday of March, a club day at Taupo Raceway, Tenpin bowling, indoor karting, family BBQ’s and picnics, plus the odd visit to a winery, along with anything else that may come to mind.
So come on and join us…
Join us HERE
We LOVE Ford